Contradictions - African American Homesteaders in the Mojave Desert

May 19, 2021   

While recuperating in January 2020 from pre-Covid 19 pneumonia I had ample time to think about new concepts and ideas for my future artworks - catching up on the many articles that were in my Inbox for quite a while.

A reference to artists in the Mojave Desert area piqued my interest and led to an exploration to identify first artists in the Mojave Desert and second women artists in the area which led to researching African American artists

In January of this year - pre Covid 19 - as I was recuperating from a bout of pneumonia I began exploring new concepts/ideas for my future artworks I had time to catch up on the numerous articles about art that had been sitting in my Inbox for quite a while.

During this search one of the articles that caught my attention ___________ by ________________ . It included a newspaper advertisement from 1910 inviting African Americans to apply to be homesteaders in the Eastern Mojave Desert. And.

My journey began.