
April 25, 2024
Barbara Gothard's "Hurdles #2" Featured in guided tour of the exhibit PALM TREES ALSO DIE 2.0 at THE ELEMENTAL

THE ELEMENTAL hosted a guided tour of the THE GAIA HYPOTHESIS, PALM TREES ALSO DIE 2.0 featuring Barbara Gothard's Hurdles #2 oil painting. Christopher Cichocki, Co-Founder of THE ELEMENTAL, who led the guided tour, presented descriptions and explanations of each of the 22 artworks by local and international artists and featured Gothard's Hurdles #2 oil painting. Cichocki commented that he "loved the sensibility within Gothard's work" and that there is not only surrealism but also spirituality happening within the canvas." The tour concluded with guests viewing a wider range of Gothard's artworks and conversations with the artist. THE ELEMENTAL, a contemporary center for the arts, is a collaboration of Fondation LAccolade Institut de France, Paris, France and Epicenter Projects, Palm Springs, CA.

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